Thursday, December 27, 2007

I guess we should get started

I'm not sure how amazing any of these adventures really are, or if they are adventures at all.

The journey really started the day I finally decided I was responsible enough to own a bunny. I mean, I had had my doubts. Sure, I was a medical resident and the lives of humans rest in my hands everyday. But, I so unreliably was able to maintain food for myself, and prevent the pink mold of the common potato from growing in accumulating dirty pots and pans. Could I be trusted with feeding and maintaining another life form under my roof?

And then there was Remington. A beautiful, brown Rex with satellite dish sized ears pivoting on his glorious head. It was a Friday night n November at West Edmonton mall. Such chaos amidst the tweens in a crowded pet store. Yet Remington caught my eye, and I knew I was ready. His neck was all scraggly and some woman had dared called him ugly, and I was going to take him home.

We were actually headed out of town that night, so decided to bring him home on the Monday. When we got there, I was racked with guilt over only taking one lonely bunny home, to languish whilst we worked long hours. So, we decided he needed a friend.

I had a grey one picked out; Anthony a brown one. They were both girls, so we were going to need a second cage, anyways. I really couldn't decide. Amd that is how we ended of up three bunnies as our first foray into pet ownership. Or guardianship, or whatever you want to call it.

We named the bunnies over weeks. I am really funny about this, and they really have to be perfect. Remington was fixed while he was still brown nameless bunny.

The girls became Trixie, grey, and Zoe, brown. Zoe would become my best friend and soul mate. Really, she is the most perfect present my husband ever picked out for me.

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